"Akhri Chattan" by Naseem Hijazi is a historical novel set in the backdrop of the Muslim conquests in the Indian subcontinent during the 11th century. The story revolves around the...
"Atfal Sahaba Karam" by Maria Ibrahim and Dr. Muhammad Tahir Mustafa is a profound exploration of the lives and contributions of the young companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This...
In "Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors the Brave," renowned author Ryan Holiday invites readers on a transformative journey towards embracing fearlessness and fortitude in the face of life's challenges. Drawing...
In the heart of feudal Japan, the tale of "Flame In The Mist" unfolds amidst the swirling mists of deception and intrigue. Renée Ahdieh weaves a captivating story of adventure,...
"Have Sword Will Travel" by Garth Nix and Sean Williams is a riveting fantasy novel that combines the classic elements of adventure with a fresh twist. Set in a realm...
"Holding Up The Universe" by Jennifer Niven delves deep into the lives of its protagonists, Libby Strout and Jack Masselin, both struggling with inner demons that shape their identities and...
"India’s Most Fearless True Stories of Modern Military Heroes" by Shiv Aroor and Rahul Singh is a compelling anthology that pays homage to the unyielding courage and valor of Indian...
"Kingdom of the Feared" transports readers into a realm where fear reigns supreme and power is the ultimate currency. Kerri Maniscalco, renowned for her gripping narratives, weaves a tale of...
"The Complete Adventure of Figaro and Rumba" by Anna Fienberg and Stephen Michael King is a delightful and heartwarming children's book that chronicles the whimsical journeys of Figaro, a brave...
"The Giant Rumbledumb" by Oscar Wilde, featured in the Lightstone Graded English Readers Stage 1, presents a whimsical tale of a misunderstood giant named Rumbledumb. Set in a picturesque countryside,...
"The Jungle Book" by Rudyard Kipling, as presented in the Lightstone Graded English Readers Stage 2, offers readers an immersive journey into the heart of the Indian jungle. This timeless...
"The Last Queen" by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is a poignant historical novel that traces the life of Rani Jindan Kaur, the last queen of Punjab, through the tumultuous era of...